Time series recipes in Numpyro

A catalogue of time-series models written in Numpyro

I’ve compiled here a bunch of numpyro timeseries models that I find myself coming back to. Maybe they’ll be of use to others.

These are the required import statments

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro import sample, plate
from numpyro.contrib.control_flow import scan
from numpyro.infer import Predictive, NUTS, MCMC

rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)

Auto regressive models

def ar2(num_timesteps, y0, y1, y=None):
    An auto regressive (K=2) model.
    num_timesteps: int, positive
        The total number of timesteps to model
    y: ndarray, shape (num_timesteps,)
        The observed values beyond y0 and y1
    y0, y1: floats
        The initial values of the process
    a1 = sample("a1", dist.Normal())
    a2 = sample("a2", dist.Normal())
    const = sample("const", dist.Normal())
    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.Exponential())

    def transition(carry, _):
        y_prev, y_prev_prev = carry
        m_t = const + a1 * y_prev + a2 * y_prev_prev
        y_t = sample("y", dist.Normal(m_t, sigma))
        carry = (y_t, y_prev)
        return carry, None

    timesteps = jnp.arange(num_timesteps)
    init = (y0, y1)
    with numpyro.handlers.condition(data={"y": y}):
        scan(transition, init, timesteps)

Prior simulation

num_timesteps = 40
y0, y1 = 0.3, -0.1

prior = Predictive(ar2, num_samples=10)
prior_samples = prior(rng, num_timesteps, y0, y1)


y0, y1, *y = y_true
y = np.array(y)
num_timesteps = len(y)
mcmc = MCMC(NUTS(ar2), **mcmc_settings)
mcmc.run(rng, num_timesteps, y0, y1, y)


num_forecast = 10
y0, y1 = y_true[-2:]
forecaster = Predictive(ar2, posterior_samples=mcmc.get_samples())
forecast_samples = forecaster(rng, num_forecast, y0, y1)

Exponential smoothing models

def exponential_smoothing(n_timesteps, y=None):
    alpha = sample("alpha", dist.Beta(5, 5))
    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.LogNormal())
    l0 = sample("l0", dist.Normal())

    def transition(carry, _):
        l_prev = carry
        y_t = numpyro.sample("y", dist.Normal(l_prev, sigma))
        e_t = y_t - l_prev
        l_t = l_prev + alpha * e_t
        return l_t, y_t

    timesteps = jnp.arange(n_timesteps)
    init = l0
    with numpyro.handlers.condition(data={"y": y}):
        scan(transition, init, timesteps)
def holt(n_timesteps, y=None):
    alpha = sample("alpha", dist.Beta(5, 5))
    beta = sample("beta", dist.Beta(5, 5))
    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.LogNormal())
    l0 = sample("l0", dist.Normal())
    b0 = sample("b0", dist.Normal())

    def transition(carry, _):
        l_prev, b_prev = carry
        y_t = numpyro.sample("y", dist.Normal(l_prev + b_prev, sigma))
        e_t = y_t - l_prev - b_prev
        l_t = l_prev + b_prev + alpha * e_t
        b_t = b_prev + alpha * beta * e_t
        carry = (l_t, b_t)
        return carry, y_t

    timesteps = jnp.arange(n_timesteps)
    init = (l0, b0)
    with numpyro.handlers.condition(data={"y": y}):
        scan(transition, init, timesteps)
def holt_winters(n_timesteps, seasonality, y=None):
    alpha = sample("alpha", dist.Beta(5, 5))
    beta = sample("beta", dist.Beta(5, 5))
    gamma = sample("gamma", dist.Beta(5, 5))

    l0 = sample("l0", dist.Normal(0, 1))
    b0 = sample("b0", dist.Normal(0, 1))
    with plate("plate_period", seasonality):
        s0 = sample("s0", dist.Normal(0, 1))

    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.LogNormal())

    def transition(carry, _):
        l_prev, b_prev, *s_prev = carry
        m_t = l_prev + b_prev + s_prev[0]
        y_t = sample("y", dist.Normal(m_t, sigma))
        e_t = y_t - m_t
        l_t = l_prev + b_prev + alpha * e_t
        b_t = b_prev + alpha * beta * e_t
        s_t = s_prev[0] + γ * (1 - alpha) * e_t
        s_new = jnp.concatenate((jnp.array(s_prev[1:]), jnp.array([s_t])))
        carry = (l_t, b_t, s_new)
        return carry, y_t

    timesteps = jnp.arange(n_timesteps)
    init = (l0, b0, s0)
    with numpyro.handlers.condition(data={"y": y}):
        scan(transition, init, timesteps)

Hierarchical time series


Gaussian Process